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Jr High Fees

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  1. All fees listed are the maximum amount charged per student for each class or school-sponsored activity. Actual amount charged may be less.
  2. The amount specified for uniforms, travel, and clinics in both junior and senior high school is the total which may be spent whether from student contributions, fundraising activities, school subsidy, or donation.
  3. Any payment for student participation in a class, program, or activity is a fee and is subject to the fee waiver requirement. For information on fee waivers and other details, contact your school administrator.
  4. All students are responsible to pay for any loss, breakage, or damage they cause to school property. Loss, breakage, or damage is not subject to the waiver requirement. These costs are defined as a "fine". Official transcript may be withheld if breakage or damage costs are not paid in accordance with the Utah Code Ann. ยง53G-8-212.
  5. Donations are permissible in both elementary and secondary schools, but all such requests are voluntary. A student may not be excluded from an activity or program because they did not donate.
  6. All requests for overnight/out of state travel must be approved and comply with all requirements outlined in the District Student Travel Policy (4600).
  7. The max aggregate amount for fees related to Pre-K, Elementary, and Junior High School courses, activities and other miscellaneous fees per student is $1800.00 (Per student, per year)
  8. The max aggregate amount for Junior High School Extracurricular Fees per student is $2000.00 (Per student, per year)
  9. Students transferring within Weber School District will receive an internal refund of fees prorated to date of check out, which then can be applied to prorated fees at new school. Students transferring outside the Weber School District will be refunded fees for classes that have not been attended. Only the Participation Fee will be refunded for Jr High Extracurricular Fees and High School UHSAA Activities Fees. This refund will be determined at a school level by the Administration. Full Participation Fee refund is not guaranteed.


  • Curricular Activity - an activity, course, or program that is: intended to deliver instruction; provided, sponsored, or supported by school; conducted only during school hours.
  • Co-Curricular Activity - an activity, course, or program that is: an extension of a curriculary activity; included in an instructional plan and supervised or conducted by a teacher or education professional; conducted outside of regular school hours; provided, sponsored or supported by school; includes a required regular school day activity, course, or program.
  • Extracurricular Activity - an activity, a course, or program that is: not directly related to delivering instruction; not a curricular activity or co-curricular activity; is provided, sponsored, or supported by the school. For additional information see District Policy 4200
  • Spend Plan - An explanation of how the district uses the collected fees, including fundraising monies. Spend plans will be noted at the beginning of each section or parenthetically after the fee name/type.

Junior High Schools & Weber Online Tuition - Required

Item ExpenseFee TypeNotes
 $35.00  Instructional Supplies - Consumable or non-reusable supply that is necessary for a student to use as part of an activity or program  

Charter, Online, Private, Home School Students - Required

CO-CURRICULAR ("Co-curricular" has been liberally construed to include any class (with or without an activity outside of school hours) offered by the District that is not offered by the charter, online, or private school a student attends. R277-407)

Item ExpenseFee TypeNotes
$17.50 Instructional Supplies - Consumable or non-reusable supply that is necessary for a student to use as part of an activity or program  

Junior High Schools - General

Item ExpenseFee TypeNotes
up to $10.00 ADMISSIONS TO: PLAYS/MUSICALS/CONCERTS/PERFORMANCES (fee is per event and covers administrative costs, decorations, food, vendors cost, advertising, supplies)  
up to $25.00 BANQUET (meals)  
up to $30.00 CALCULATOR RENTAL (maintenance, purchase of new calculators)  
$10.00 CLASS CHANGE (out of contract hour stipends, personnel making changes, student related items and activities provided by school counseling department) non-administrative - per request, request may involve more than one class
up to $50.00 CLUB MEMBERSHIP DUES - CURRICULUM RELATED (supplies, activities, inductions, uniform/clothing/gear, exams, competition fee(s), vendor costs, membership fees, national dues) *Upon school principal approval, clubs may fundraise-a spending plan must be submitted non CTSO; club must be pre-approved by school Principal
$35.00 CREDIT RECOVERY - PER 0.25 CREDIT (materials, staffing, licensing)  
$5.00 DANCES - STOMPS (decorations, food, vendor costs, printing) per stomp
$160.00 DRIVER EDUCATION - THEORY/RANGE/ROAD (instruction, insurance, fuel, staffing, student materials, vehicle maintenance) classes taught at BHS, FHS, RHS, TRHS, WHS
$35.00 DRIVER EDUCATION - ONLINE THEORY (support coordinator of online theory)  
$100.00 DRIVER EDUCATION - RANGE/ROAD (instruction, insurance, fuel, staffing, range & vehicle maintenance) Students who completed WSD Online Drivers Ed Course
up to $50.00 FIELD TRIP - ELECTIVE/INCENTIVE ACTIVITY (admission, supplies, transportation) per activity
up to $8.00 LITERARY MAGAZINE (printing cost)  
$5.00 LOCKER COMBINTATION CHANGE (maintenance of lockers)  
up to $3.00 NEWSPAPER/PUBLICATIONS (printing)  
$1.00 ONLINE PAYMENT TRANSACTION FEE (cover fees set by vendor)  
$40.00 ORIGINAL CREDIT - PER 0.25 CREDIT (materials, staffing, licensing) additional courses above the 7 courses offered at school
$80.00 EXTENDED EDUCATION SUMMER CAMP (staffing, materials, clothing) - grades 5-8 Formerly PAL Camp
$5.00 REPLACEMENT ID'S (printing)  
$4.00 SAFETY GLASSES (can be purchased outside of school)  
up to $45.00 SEAL OF BILITERACY TEST/APPL TEST (price set by vendor)  
up to $3.00 SPIRIT BUS (transportation) per trip
up to $175.00 SUMMER LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES (, WSU Prep, extended course offerings) per course
up to $35 SUMMER SCHOOL (materials, staffing, licensing) per course
up to $1600.00 TRAVEL - OUT OF STATE - UHSAA (transportation, meals, lodging) (as per Travel Policy 4600) i.e.-Performing Arts, Cheer, Drill
up to $1800.00 TRAVEL - OUT OF STATE - APPROVED SCHOOL ORGANIZATION (transportation, meals, lodging, entry fee) (as per Travel Policy 4600) i.e.-ISEF, CTSO, Sea Perch
$20.00 YEARBOOK (printing of book, software, cameras, materials, licensing)  

Junior High School Course Fees

Courses - General

Item ExpenseFee TypeNotes
$15.00/Semester Drama/Theatre/Choreography/Cinema/Technical Theatre (student materials, instruction supplies )  
up to $25.00 Life Skills - Community Activity  
  *Community based learning opportunities are activites outside the classroom, with well defined objectives intended to allow students to practice skills learned in the classroom related to functional and daily living skills in real life situations (dollar more, budgeting, accessing and planning public transportation, grocery shopping, communication, etc.) to increase generalization of skills and learning.  
$25.00/Semester Visual Arts (portfolio production, tools, materials, safety, storage, cleaning)

Including but not limited to: Art, Ceramics, Sculpture, Pottery, Jewelry, Art History, Drawing, Crafts, Painting, Photography

  *Students may choose to make a more advanced project, use upgraded material or purchase visual art supplies above and beyond what is supplied for the regular curriculum; in that case the additional cost of the materials will depend on the project or supplies. Student will then be responsible for these voluntary fees. - non waivable  

Courses - With Additional Fees

AP Courses

Item ExpenseFee TypeNotes
$25.00 AP Lab (lab and modeling materials, tools, project materials, safety, storage)  
up to $65.00 AP Course Workbooks/Study Guide  if applicable
up to $100 AP Test Per Individual Test (price set by vendor) (Fee reduced, per exam, if family meets qualifications according to AP Central)  
$40.00 AP Late Test Fee (charge set by vendor if student registers for test after November 15) non waivable

Choir Courses

Item ExpenseFee TypeNotes
$15.00/Semester Course Fee (event production cost, copyright, adjudication charges, printing)  
$10.00 Transportation (bussing)  
up to $150.00 Uniform (selected group performance apparel, purchase or rental, determined by vendor)  
up to $50.00 Spirit Clothing (program gear)  
up to $25.00 Class/Group Banquet (meals)  
up to $200.00 Camps/Clinics/Retreat (camp gear, staffing, food, supplies)  
up to $465.00 Total Fee  

Brass/Woodwinds/Percussion/Band & Instrumental Music (Piano, Guitar, etc.)

Item ExpenseFee TypeNotes
$15.00/Semester Course Fee (event production cost, copyright, adjudication charges, printing, reeds, mallets, sticks, percussion items, method book, oil/grease, strings, shoulder pad, cleaning cloth, rosin, rock stop, padlocks)  
$100.00 Instrument Rental (for instruments on hand at school)  
up to $30.00 Summer Instrument Rental (for instruments on hand at school)  
variable Outsourced Instrument Rental (for instruments not at school, price set by vendor)  
up to $35.00 Percussion Maintenance (upkeep of percussion equipment)  
$35.00 Guitar Rental (for instruments on hand at school)  
$10.00 Transportation (bussing)  
up to $150.00 Uniform (selected group performance apparel, purchase or rental)  
up to $50.00 Spirit Clothing (program gear)  
up to $25.00 Class/Group Banquet (meals)  
up to $200.00 Camps/Clinics/Retreat (camp gear, staffing, food, supplies)  
up to $665.00 Total Fee  


Item ExpenseFee TypeNotes
$15.00/Semester Course Fee (event production cost, copyright, adjudication charges, printing, reeds, mallets, sticks, percussion items, method book, oil/grease, strings, shoulder pad, cleaning cloth, rosin, rock stop, padlocks)  
$100.00 Instrument Rental (for instruments on hand at school)  
up to $30.00 Summer Instrument Rental (for instruments on hand at school)  
variable Outsourced Instrument Rental (for instruments not at school, price set by vendor)  
$10.00 Transportation (bussing)  
up to $150.00 Uniform (selected group performance apparel, purchase or rental)  
up to $50.00 Spirit Clothing (program gear)  
up to $25.00 Class/Group Banquet (meals)  
up to $200.00 Camps/Clinics/Retreat (camp gear, staffing, food, supplies)  
up to $595.00 Total Fee  

Latinos in Action

Item ExpenseFee TypeNotes
up to $50.00 Spirit Clothing (program gear)  
$10.00 Transportation (bussing)  
up to $65.00 Total Fee  

Physical Education

Item ExpenseFee TypeNotes
$5.00/Semester Physical Education/Conditioning/Weightlifting (any course with PE credit) (equipment, equipment maintenance, padlocks)  
up to $20.00 PE Uniform (cost of clothing, if required by school/teacher)  


Item ExpenseFee TypeNotes
$8.00 Science Lab (lab and modeling materials, tools, lab notebook production, safety, storage, cleaning) Physics, Earth Science, Intermediate Science
up to $40.00 Science Fair (display production, materials, experiment supplies)  

Student Government/Student Club Officer

Item ExpenseFee TypeNotes
up to $50.00 Spirit Clothing (program gear)  
$25.00 Program Fee (recognitions, group pictures)  
$10.00 Transportation (bussing)  
up to $250.00 Camps/Retreat/Conferences (camp gear, entry fees, staffing, food)  
up to $240.00 Uniform (sweater)  
up to $25.00 Class/Group/Induction Banquet (meals)  
up to $600.00 Total Fee  

World Languages

Item ExpenseFee TypeNotes
up to $40.00 District Language Immersion Day (activities, clothing/gear, food)  
up to $30.00 State Competition Fee (entry fee, food)  
up to $250.00 Camps/Retreat (camp gear, entry fees, staffing, food)  
up to $320.00 Total Fee  

Career and Technical Education (CTE)

Item ExpenseFee TypeNotes
variable CTE Optional Project(s) - includes all CTE courses (project materials) Optional & non-waivable
  *Students may choose to make a more advanced project, use upgraded material or purchase additional resources than what is part of the required curriculum; in that case the additional cost of the materials and resources will depend on the project.  
$14.00 College and Career Awareness "CCA" (class supplies, equipment, basic project materials)  
$10.00/Semester Agricultural Science, Child Development, Gateway, Project Lead the Way "PLTW" (class supplies, equipment, basic project materials)  
$20.00/Semester Communications, Construction, Energy & Power Technology, Manufacturing, Sewing & Construction Textiles, Sports & Outdoor Design (class supplies, equipment, basic project materials)  
$25.00 Foods and Nutrition, FACS, The Art of Cooking with Smoke & Fire  
$4.00 Safety Glasses (can be purchased outside of school)  
up to $25.00 Food Handlers Permit (fee set by vendor) Courses offering Food Handlers Permit Test that is not part of state curriculm - fee is non-waivable

 Junior High Schools - CTE Student Leadership Associations

Item ExpenseFee TypeNotes
up to $240.00 CTSO Uniform (sweater)  
up to $100.00 CTSO Leadership Training (workshop supplies, staffing)  
up to $50.00 CTSO Membership (set by organization)  
up to $1800.00 CTSO National Competitions (registration, lodging, food, travel) (Refer to District Policy 4600 for travel guidelines) First place qualifiers only
up to $300.00 CTSO Regional/State Competition (registration, lodging, food, travel)  
up to $25.00 CTSO Summer Camps (supplies, staffing)  
  ***Travel expenses may be fully or partially paid for by grants and/or fundraising  

 Weber Online School Course Fees (Grades 7-8)

Item ExpenseFee TypeNotes
$35.00 ORIGINAL CREDIT - PER 0.25 CREDIT (materials, staffing, licensing)  
up to $20.00 ART I, ART II (student materials, instruction supplies)  
  *Students may choose to make a more advanced project, use upgraded material or purchase visual art supplies above and beyond what is supplied for the regular curriculum; in that case the additional cost of the materials will depend on the project or supplies. Student will then be responsible for these voluntary fees. - non waivable  
up to $25.00 FACS A, FACS B (class supplies, equipment, basic project materials)  
up to $8.00 INT SCI 7, SCIENCE (student materials, instruction supplies)  
up to $15.00 MEDIA ARTS, THEATRE I (student materials, instruction supplies )  
up to $5.00 PHYSICAL EDUCATION (student materials, instruction supplies)  

Weber Online School Course Fees (Grades 9-12)

Item ExpenseFee TypeNotes
$35.00 ORIGINAL CREDIT - PER 0.25 CREDIT (materials, staffing, licensing)  
up to $25.00 AP Lab (lab and modeling materials, tools, project materials, safety, storage)  
up to $65.00 AP Course Workbooks/Study Guide  
up to $100.00 AP Test Per Individual Test (price set by vendor)  
up to $40.00 AP Late Test Fee (charge set by vendor if student registers for test after November 15)  
up to $10.00 AG BIOLOGY, AG COMMUNICATIONS (CTE) (class supplies, equipment, basic project materials)  
up to $12.00 BIOLOGY, CHEMISTRY, PHYSICS (student materials, instruction supplies)  
up to $10.00 CHILD DEVELOPMENT (CTE) (class supplies, equipment, basic project materials)  
up to $10.00 DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY (CTE) (class supplies, equipment, basic project materials)  
up to $8.00 EARTH SYSTEMS (student materials, instruction supplies)  
up to $10.00 FIT FOR LIFE, PE ILA YOGA, PE INDIVIDUALIZED LIFETIME ACTIVITIES (equipment, equipment maintenance)  
up to $25.00 FOODS I, NUTRITION 1020 (CTE) (class supplies, equipment, basic project materials)  
up to $35.00 HS ART FOUNDATIONS 1, HS ART FOUNDATIONS 2 (portfolio production, tools, materials, safety, storage, cleaning)  
  *Students may choose to make a more advanced project, use upgraded material or purchase visual art supplies above and beyond what is supplied for the regular curriculum; in that case the additional cost of the materials will depend on the project or supplies. Student will then be responsible for these voluntary fees. - non waivable  
up to $20.00 INTERIOR DESIGN (CTE) (class supplies, equipment, basic project materials)  
up to $10.00 MEDICAL ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY (CTE) (class supplies, equipment, basic project materials)  
up to $20.00 SMALL ENGINES (CTE) (class supplies, equipment, basic project materials)  

Extracurricular Productions - Theatrical productions not part of the students class schedule

Item ExpenseFee TypeNotes
up to $40.00 Pre-Production Cost (script rental, choregraphy, copyright, printing, performance royalties, costume dry-cleaning) - per production  
up to $45.00 Production Cost (prop creation and/or rental, costume creation and/or rental, scenic creation and/or rental) - per production  
up to $50.00 Spirit Clothing (program gear) - per production  
up to $25.00 Class/Group Banquet (meals)  
up to $160.00 Total Fee  

Out of State Tuition - Non-waivable

Item ExpenseFee TypeNotes
$9,066.15 NON-RESIDENT TUITUION (teacher salary and benefit costs, building maintenance, educational supplies, etc.)  

Junior High School Extracurricular Fees

Baseball, Basketball, Softball, Volleyball - all fees waivable

Item ExpenseFee TypeNotes
$65.00 Participation Fee (game uniforms (if purchased on a rotation basis), salaries, officials)  
$50.00 Program Fee (equipment, safety equipment, storage items, work out rentals, staffing, recognitions, team pictures)  
up to $25.00 Physical (physician)  
$10.00 Transportation (bussing)  
up to $75.00 Spirit Packs (team gear, practice uniforms)  
up to $10.00 Intramurals (before/after school, during lunch, not tied to pre/post season of sport) (camp gear, teaching materials, staffing)  
up to $25.00 Pre-Season On Campus Clinic - Skills Camp (camp gear, teaching materials, staffing, food)  
up to $25.00 Pre-game Activities (team building activities, meals)  
up to $25.00 Team Banquet (meals)  
up to $310.00 Total Fee  

Cheer - all fees waivable

Item ExpenseFee TypeNotes
$65.00 Participation Fee (judge fees, salaries)  
$50.00 Program Fee (equipment, safety equipment, storage items, work out rentals, choreography, staffing, team spirit supplies, music, recognitions, team pictures)  
up to $25.00 Physical (physician)  
up to $450.00 Uniform (selected performance attire)  
$10.00 Transportation (bussing)  
up to $400.00 Spirit Packs (team gear, practice uniforms)  
up to $25.00 On Campus Pre-Season Open Gym/Clinics (camp gear, entry fees, staffing, food)  
up to $350.00 On Campus Camp - guest coach(s) (camp gear, staffing, food, activities, trainings)  
  -OR- (Cheer team is allowed a choice of an On Campus Camp OR Off Campus Camp, but not both)  
up to $350.00 Off Campus Camps (camp gear, entry fees, staffing, food)  
up to $25.00 Pre-game Activities (team building activities, meals)  
up to $25.00 Team Banquet (meals)  
up to $1425.00 Total Fee  

NAL - all fees waivable

Item ExpenseFee TypeNotes
$65.00 Participation Fee (game uniforms (if purchased on a rotation basis), salaries, officials)  
$25.00 Program Fee (equipment, safety equipment, storage items, work out rentals, staffing, recognitions, team pictures)  
$10.00 Transportation (bussing)  
up to $75.00 Spirit Packs (team gear, practice uniforms)  
up to $10.00 Intramurals (before/after school, during lunch, not tied to pre/post season of sport) (camp gear, teaching materials, staffing)  
up to $25.00 Pre-Season On Campus Clinic - Skills Camp (camp gear, teaching materials, staffing, food)  
up to $25.00 Pre-game Activities (team building activities, meals)  
up to $25.00 Team Banquet (meals)  
up to $260.00 Total Fee  

Track & Field - all fees waivable

Item ExpenseFee TypeNotes
$65.00 Participation Fee (game uniforms (if purchased on a rotation basis), salaries, officials)  
up to $50.00 Program Fee (equipment, safety equipment, storage items, work out rentals, staffing, recognitions, team pictures)  
up to $25.00 Physical (physician)  
$10.00 Transportation (bussing)  
up to $75.00 Spirit Packs (team gear, practice uniforms)  
up to $10.00 Intramurals (before/after school, during lunch, not tied to pre/post season of sport) (camp gear, teaching materials, staffing)  
up to $25.00 Pre-Season On Campus Clinic - Skills Camp (camp gear, teaching materials, staffing, food)  
up to $25.00 Pre-game Activities (team building activities, meals)  
up to $25.00 Team Banquet (meals)  
up to $310.00 Total Fee  

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