2024-25 Junior High School Fee Schedule
The Maximum Aggregate per year for each student is $1800 (includes activities and other miscellaneous fees per student).
The Maximum Aggregate per year for Extracurricular Fees for each student is $2000.
Click here for direct link to Fees Schedules to view fees and spend plans.
**Geoff, here I would like to add a table, like the one that Jordan School District used in their webpage listing the fees. If you get it set up, I can type all the fees into it.**
Some elective courses may have additional fees if a student chooses to make a more advanced project, use upgraded material or purchase supplies above and beyond what is supplied for the approved curriculum; in that case the additional cost of the materials will depend on the project or supplies. These are voluntary fees and are non-waivable.
Pursuant to Utah Code 53G-6-702 through section 705 and Utah Admin. Code R277-494, students who attend a charter school, private school, or home school and participate in extracurricular and/or co-curricular activities are subject to the following:
Extracurricular/Co-Curricular Activities:
- Charter and Online School Students
- Charter/Online school pays a one-time annual school participation fee of $75 per student
- Student shall pay all required student activity-specific fees
- Charter/Online school pays any waived feed
- Private or Home School Students
- Student shall pay the basic registration fee and any required student activity-specific fees.
Any mandatory payment for student participation in a class, program, or activity is a fee and is subject to the fee waiver requirements.